original blessing

Who Speaks To Us Through a Familiar Whisper of Truth.

Who speaks to us through a familiar whisper of truth, Who Sparks Our Creative Passions WHEN GOD SPEAKS I do not claim to have ever heard the voice of God, at least not audibly.  How great would that be… though maybe a bit terrifying.  I guess it depends on what God says.  I believe it is possible that God speaks audibly to people, but deep down I doubt it.  In

We Believe in God’s Spirit

We believe in God’s Spirit, Who Brings the Mystery of God into Our Hearts FAITH HEALERS AND PIANNO TEACHERS There are certain things you can’t unsee.  I once saw someone miraculously healed. It leaves quite an impression.  My mom and dad were involved with something called the, “Charismatic Movement” back in the early eighties.  I remember going to the, “Copper Country Holy Spirit Conference,” where I saw some really wild